5 Ways to Care for My Precious Vinyl Collection


my vinyl collection

As a vinyl collector, taking good care of my vinyl collection is essential to ensure that they remain in excellent condition and continue to sound great. Here are my ways of taking care of my records:

my vinyl collection

Keeping The Records Clean

Dirt and dust can accumulate on vinyl records over time, affecting their sound quality. To keep my records clean, I mainly use this Alcon brush purchased in the 90s to remove any loose particles before playing them. I know it’s better to use an ultrasonic cleaning machine. I plan to get one in the future.

According to my knowledge, this Alcon vinyl record cleaning brush was a popular cleaning tool back in the old days. It was designed to remove dust, dirt, and other debris from the grooves of vinyl records, ensuring a clean and clear sound. It features soft bristles that are gentle on the record’s surface, yet effective in removing dirt and debris. I just hold the record securely in one hand and gently brush the surface of the record with the bristles of the brush in a circular motion. I also clean the brush quite regularly to prevent the buildup of dust and debris. I think this brush is an essential tool for maintaining a vinyl collection. I know that an ultrasonic cleaner can achieve the best cleaning result. I’m considering to buy one.

the brush that I use to clean the dust on the records of my vinyl collection

Proper Storage

Proper storage is essential for maintaining the quality of the vinyl records. To ensure your records stay in good condition, I store them vertically in these custom-made crates which keep the records away from direct sunlight. Here are some benefits that I can think of for keeping the records vertically:

  1. Prevent warping: Storing vinyl records horizontally for an extended period of time can cause them to warp or become misshapen. This is because the weight of the records can cause them to bend or bow over time, leading to distortion of the sound.
  2. Preserve the label: Storing vinyl records vertically helps to protect the labels from becoming damaged or scratched. Labels are an important part of the vinyl record, providing information about the artist, album, and track listing.
  3. Save space: Storing vinyl records vertically can save space compared to horizontal storage. This is because you can store more records in a smaller area when they are standing up vertically, as opposed to lying flat.
  4. Easier browsing: Storing vinyl records vertically makes it easier to browse and find the record you want to play. You can easily flip through the records to see the labels and read the information, without having to pull out and shuffle through stacks of horizontal records.
the custom made crates that I used to store my vinyl collection in vertical orientation

Handling Records with Care

I handle my records by the edges because the grooves containing the sound information are located on the flat, circular surface of the record. Handling the record by the edge ensures that my fingers don’t come into contact with the grooves and potentially damage them. Also, when placing the record onto the turntable, it’s best to use both hands to help prevent fingerprints, dirt, or oils from the hands from transferring onto the surface of the record. It’s also important to avoid touching the label on the record, as this can damage the paper and affect the appearance of the record.

Avoiding Exposure to Extreme Temperatures

According to information from the internet, vinyl records should be stored at room temperature, ideally between 60-70 degrees Fahrenheit (15-21 degrees Celsius). Exposure to extreme temperatures, both hot and cold, can cause damage to the record and affect its sound quality.

If vinyl records are exposed to high temperatures, the material can become soft and pliable, which can cause warping or even melting of the record. This can result in the stylus skipping or jumping during playback, or causing damage to the stylus or record itself. On the other hand, exposure to cold temperatures can cause the vinyl to become brittle and prone to cracking or breaking.

It’s also important to note that rapid temperature changes can be just as damaging as extreme temperatures. For example, if a vinyl record is stored in a cold environment and then suddenly exposed to a warm one, condensation can form on the record’s surface, which can cause damage to the grooves and affect the sound quality.

To protect my vinyl collection from temperature damage, I store them in my conservatory with shade to keep them away from direct sunlight or sources of heat. During winter, I keep the heat on to prevent temperature fluctuation.

Playing The Records Regularly

I play my records regularly to make sure they are in good condition and help to prevent warping. I think regularly playing the vinyl collection keeps me appreciate and enjoy more.

Taking care of my vinyl collection requires some effort, but it’s well worth it to preserve the quality of the records and ensure that they continue to sound great for years to come.