Vinyl Collection Journey: From Childhood to Adulthood


how my vinyl collection started

As a child of the 80s, I grew up listening to the hits of Michael Jackson and Culture Club on cassettes. My family was not wealthy, so we couldn’t afford a turntable and a hifi system. However, my passion for music and the unique sound of vinyl records never faded away. That’s where my vinyl collection hobby started.

Beginnings of My Vinyl Collection

It was not until my father purchased a Technics hifi system with a turntable in the late 80s that I could finally start buying vinyl records. I remember my first record was probably one by Alan Tam, a popular pop star in Hong Kong at that time. I began my vinyl collection journey during the era when people were switching from vinyl to CDs, and many records were sold cheaply in the market. One of my favorite spots for vinyl digging was a place called Ap Liu Street in Hong Kong, where I could find discarded records at low prices.

Exploring the World of Vinyl Records

As my vinyl collection grew, I started exploring different sources for vinyl records. I began to buy bulk used records from abroad, mainly from Japan, where I found better Japanese pressings and clean conditions. My vinyl collection became a global one, featuring a variety of genres, from classic rock to jazz and electronic music.

I also started attending record fairs and auctions to expand my collection. I found that these events were great opportunities to meet other collectors and learn more about the world of vinyl records. The thrill of discovering a rare or hard-to-find record was always a highlight of these events.

Building My Vintage Audio Equipment

To enhance the sound quality of my vinyl collection, I also started building vintage audio equipment and buying old-school amplifiers from eBay. I believed that these old-school pieces of equipment were better suited for playing vinyl records. The first tube amplifier that I built was a KT88 push-pull power amplifier using parts from China. I also purchased vintage amplifiers, such as the EICO HF85 preamplifier, a Heathkit SA2, and a Motorola EL84 push-pull console amplifier. These vintage amplifiers are still a part of my setup today.

I found that building and maintaining vintage audio equipment was not only a great way to enhance the sound quality of my vinyl collection, but also a fun and rewarding hobby in its own right. I enjoyed learning about the different components of audio equipment and how they worked together to produce great sound.

The Joy of Vinyl Collection

Over the years, my vinyl collection has grown to over 1000 records, and my passion for vinyl records remains as strong as ever. To me, collecting vinyl records is not just about the music, but also about the joy of discovering new records, exploring different sources, and building vintage audio equipment.

One of the things I love most about vinyl records is their physicality. Holding a vinyl record in my hands and admiring the artwork on the cover is a tactile and visual experience that cannot be replicated with digital media. The act of flipping through record bins and discovering new artists and albums is also a unique and exciting experience.

Another aspect of vinyl collection that I enjoy is the social aspect. Vinyl records have a way of bringing people together, whether it’s through sharing favorite albums with friends or meeting other collectors at record fairs and auctions. I’ve made many great friends through my vinyl collection hobby, and the shared love of music and vinyl records has brought us closer together.

My Humble Tips for Building a Vinyl Collection

Building a vinyl collection takes time, effort, and money. Here are some of my tips to help you build a vinyl collection that you can be proud of:

  1. Start with the basics: If you’re new to vinyl collecting, start with the basics. Look for classic albums from popular artists, such as The Beatles, Pink Floyd, and Led Zeppelin. These records are widely available and will give you a good foundation for your collection.
  2. Quality over quantity: It’s important to remember that quality should always come before quantity. While it may be tempting to buy as many records as possible, investing in high-quality records will pay off in the long run. Look for records that are in excellent condition and have been well cared for.
  3. Explore different genres: Don’t limit yourself to one genre of music. Explore different genres and styles to build a well-rounded collection. You might be surprised at what you discover.
  4. Be patient: Building a vinyl collection takes time, so be patient. Don’t expect to have a massive collection overnight. Take your time and enjoy the process.
  5. Look for rare and collectible records: While it’s important to focus on quality over quantity, collecting rare and collectible records can be a fun and rewarding experience. Look for limited edition releases, picture discs, and colored vinyl to add to your collection.
  6. Buy new releases: Don’t just focus on buying old records. Many artists are still releasing new music on vinyl, so keep an eye out for new releases that you might enjoy.
  7. Invest in good equipment: To truly enjoy your vinyl collection, you’ll need good equipment. Invest in a high-quality turntable, speakers, and amplifier to ensure that you’re getting the best possible sound.

Vinyl collection is a great hobby that offers many benefits, including the enjoyment of high-quality sound, the nostalgia of physical media, and the thrill of collecting rare and unique records. Building a vinyl collection takes time, effort, and patience. Happy hunting!

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