Welcome to Spin and Groove! Browse my vinyl collection and see if you like any of them :-)


spin and groove - my vinyl collection

Welcome to Spin and Groove, the ultimate destination for vinyl collection enthusiasts! My website is dedicated to showcasing a my collection of vinyl records, featuring detailed information, photos, and engaging videos about each record and artist.

Whether you’re a seasoned collector or just getting started, I should have something that suits your taste. My collection spans various genres that I like, from R&B, funk, disco, classic rock, jazz to hip-hop and even classical music. I’ve also got a good collection of 80s’ and 90s’ canto-pop records from Hong Kong too.

In addition to showcasing my collection, I also offer a selection of records for sale. If you’re looking to expand your own vinyl collection, I invite you to browse our inventory and find your next favorite album.

At Spin and Groove, I’m passionate about all things vinyl, and we’re committed to sharing that passion with our visitors. I hope you enjoy exploring our site and discovering new records to add to your own collection.

Thanks for visiting, and happy spinning!

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